Over time technology has helped man to move his physical body and things faster and faster and to more and more places he couldn't go before.
Now technology is able to help man move his mind faster and to more places in the same way. This technology is Mind Technology.
Mind technology is developed from other technologies upon which it is based and which makes this possible. Technology such as electricity, electronic audio, Get Digital signature and computer.
What was once done at normal speed in the traditional way can now be accelerated to hyper speeds with technology. It is like being able to travel in a supersonic jet when you once had to walk.
Some people think it is best to do things the natural way than to rely on technology. But would you want to walk from one end of the Earth to another when you could fly there in a supersonic jet? You would not even think of doing that!
It is possible to walk from one end of the Earth to the other though since all land is connected to each other from the North pole. The Earth is actually one flat piece of land wrapped around a sphere and not separate pieces across the globe. But without technology, we cannot travel to the deepest parts of the ocean or even to the moon.
The moment technology is developed, we got to use it. We either progress or regress. We are never standstill of technology is the result of advancement in knowledge. Changing the way we do things by adapting technology is the natural way of evolving our lives.
Of course, just because we have a supersonic jet, a car or even a motorized wheelchair to use doesn't mean we do not train our ability to walk anymore. We still use what is natural but we incorporate the use of technology as well. So the best way to live is to use both nature and technology. We should never let technology dominate our natural abilities but we should use it to enhance them.
Technology is the natural result of man's ability to think. So technology is actually part of nature. Technology and nature are one. The only difference between what is natural and unnatural is the use of it. Even things in nature can be used in unnatural ways.
Man has used the power of the mind to develop the technology. Consequently, man is able to use the power of technology to develop the mind. Mind develops technology to develop the mind. At this age, humanity's progress is going to accelerate even more than ever before.
A man was found to have virtually no brain at all. His head was bigger than normal size but his brain had shrunk to less than one millimeter of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column. The student was suffering from hydrocephalus, the condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid, instead of circulating around the brain and entering the bloodstream, becomes dammed up inside thereby squashing the brain. His head was practically filled with fluid.
The 26-year-old student (1976) at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom had walked into the university doctor's office with complaints of a cold. Somehow though, he had lived a perfectly normal life. He had no signs of any mental deficiency, had an IQ of 126 and an honors degree in mathematics!
The brain is actually a receiver and not the total warehouse storing our consciousness. The brain is simply an instrument for the mind to communicate with the body. But the mind is not limited by the brain. It can even communicate with the body directly through nonlocal means.
You are not flesh. You are an energy being using a physical body to interpret and explore this reality. Studying matter from the perspective of energy helps you to understand and work with it even better.
Mind technology goes beyond the brain. It assists in unleashing the paranormal powers of the mind. With it, you can meditate at the push of a button, increase mental health, open up the sixth sense and sharpen your psychic abilities.